Apr 30
Create SharePoint 2010 Themes Using Word 2010

There are two approches you can use to build a custom theme for SharePoint 2010.  You can choose to use Word as your Theme authoring tool or use a nifty new utility known as Theme Builder.

To use Microsoft Office Word these steps should guide you through the process.

  1. Open Microsoft Office Word 2010

  2. Select the Ribbon tab named Page Layout > Colors Dropdown

  3. Select the Create New Theme Colors… at the bottom of the color choices menu.

  4. Modify the Theme Colors as appropriate


  5. Modify the Fonts using the Fonts dropdown


  6. Save the Current Color and Font Themes by selecting Save Current Theme 
  7. Because the .thmx file is not easily editable, make certain to save the Word document so that you can make changes to the themes later
  8. You can now upload this newly created .thmx file to the Galleries Themes page
    1. Site Actions > Site Settings > Galleries > Themes > Upload the new .thmx document.
  9. One you upload the document it will be available as a Theme to use from The Theme Gallery.


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