Oct 19
SharePoint Zones End-User Self Installer Creation

Some Background
Have you ever used SharePoint 2007/2010 and received Repeated Prompts for Credentials?

The likely reason is that Internet Explorer must consider the requested URL (namespace) being processed to be on the intranet (local). If the namespace portion of the requested URL contains periods such as https://sp.aa.aa.edu, then Internet Explorer assumes that the requested address exists on the Internet and does not pass any credentials automatically. Addresses without periods such as https://aaasharepoint/ are considered to be on the intranet (local); Internet Explorer passes credentials automatically.

To work around this you can create an End-User Self Installer to add the preferred zones such as the Trusted sites or Intranet Sites. In this example I overview creating the script for all Zones for Explorer.

The tool I use to create the installer is known as Paquet MSI Builder which is the utility used to pack the various components of this installer into an MSI.

  • The package includes 4 components.
    • The first file is a .vbs script named begin.vbs that contains a message box prompt to let the End-User know what they are about to install.
      • MsgBox "This installer will configure your computer to use SharePoint Services", 0, "Technology Services"
        (You will need to rename the file type to .vbs)
    • The 2nd file is also a .vbs script named complete.vbs that contains a message box prompt to let the End-User know that the install was successful.
      • MsgBox "Your computer is ready to use the SharePoint Services On-Campus", 0, "Technology Services"

      (You will need to rename the file type to .vbs)

    • The 3rd file IntranetSites.vbs contains the VB referencing the begin.vbs and complete.vbs and contains the Zone and URL information you must provide highlighted.

      AddTrustedSite "aa.edu"
      AddTrustedSite "aa.edu"

      Function AddTrustedSite(strDomainName)
      Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
      strRegKey = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\"
      WshShell.RegWrite strRegKey & strDomainName & "\", "", "REG_SZ"
      WshShell.RegWrite strRegKey & strDomainName & "\*", "1", "REG_DWORD"

      End Function

      (You will need to rename the file appropriatly and set the file type to .vbs)

    • Now create the command file and call it Install.cmd

      echo Begin Installation
      wscript "%cd%\begin.vbs"


      echo Installation Complete
      wscript "%cd%\complete.vbs"

      (You will need to rename the file type to .cmd)

    • After creating the previous files, you now have the required components to create the installer using Paquet Builder
      • Run the pbinst.exe program to install it and launch the Freeware Edition
    • Click Start a new project
      • Choose Package for a Setup Routine
        • Click OK
    • The General Dropdown is what I typically use most to build these
      • About your Package
        • Package Title
          • Intranet Sites Installer
        • Author
        • E-mail Contact
        • Legal Copyright:

    • Manage files to compress
      • Add the files mentioned above to this

    • Select interface theme
      • Choose the Standard Interface
    • Choose the Setup program
      • Choose Install.cmd
    • You can skip the rest and choose Build
      • Save it with the name Intranet Sites Installer.exe
    • After running the Build you should receive the following logs

The result should be an executable that runs the described installer functions to add the trusted sites zone to Explorer.

Additionally, you may choose to add a Windows 7 regitry edit to the package to supress any WebClient and WebDav task credential prompts from appearing during SharePoint 2010 sessions:

  • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters\AuthForwardServerList
    • Add the following multi-string values:
      • sharepoint.xxxx.xxx
      • mysharepoint.xxxx.xxx


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